Yoga on and off the mat
Like so many others, I initially started practicing yoga for the physical benefits. Back then, I considered yoga to be just about the movement part, and maybe some breathwork. I soon discovered that I benefited immensely and holistically from practicing yoga - on and off the mat. Feeling more balanced, more centered, pretty much more myself.
On the mat I learned things I could also apply to my daily life. That is - in my opinion - the beauty of yoga. Yoga is not just a physical practice but a system that helps us to live happier and more fulfilled. And spoiler alert: Yoga is not a religion. It is not dogmatic. It is a practice that serves you - and the people around you.
On this blog, I want to share more about my journey, the lessons I have learned on the way and why I truly believe everyone can benefit from yoga, physically and mentally.
I start with three simple “life hacks“ I have learned on the mat. Maybe they sound pretty common sense to you - but I believe we often forget these basic principles in our busy everyday lives. So if you needed a reminder, this one is for you.
1) Regularly check in with your body.
Ask yourself: What is going on in your body? How do you feel? How does your body feel? Is there tension anywhere? Can the breath flow freely?
Our body is a super complex system, a billion little actions take place every second, and our body is super clever. Our body is constantly sending signals - and it is worth listening to them and taking them seriously. Our body shows us when it is time to slow down, our gut feeling can tell us what the right decision is when our mind is struggling. Reconnect and listen!
2) Everything has its own timing, and will happen in due time. Stay patient and put in the work.
Yes, I know this is a cheesy one. However, it is also a great one for everyone as impatient as me. You made a decision and you want to make it happen right away - like deciding to go to the hairdresser and being super frustrated if it is a Sunday morning and there is no way to get a new hair cut or wanting to be able to do Pincha at the first try? I feel you. Constant struggle of my life. What yoga has taught me is that good things take time and that everything will fall into place if you keep working on your goals. Sooner or later, one way or the other, it will happen. Trust the process. On the mat, one of my biggest teachers for this one was (and still is) Full Wheel, Urdvha Dhanurasana.
3) Change your perspective to see more clearly.
On the mat it is the getting upside down, the inversion practice. Off the mat it is the stepping outside of your own thought patterns, looking at a problem from a different perspective - or in a fight, taking the other person’s point of view (I know, can be pretty hard!). This is a great principle to apply when you feel stuck or are going in circles. Basically, this change of perspective helps you to become more aware of how you are constructing your own thoughts and helps you see things in a different, maybe more objective, way.